CONVERT-O-MATIC: | Concentration conversions and conversions between other units |
STAT-O-MATIC: | Simple statistical tests, t-tests, ANOVA, correlation, Fisher's exact test, etc |
SCALE-O-MATIC: | Allometric dose-scaling and dose conversions based on body surface area |
PK-O-MATIC: | Single-dose and multiple-dose PK simulations |
MOL-O-MATIC: | Calculate molecular weight from empirical chemical formula |
INHALE-O-MATIC: | Estimate mg/kg doses from inhalation exposures |
FEED-O-MATIC: | Estimate mg/kg doses from food or drinking water exposures |
SOLV-O-MATIC: | Calculate Permitted Daily Exposures (PDEs) using ICH Residual Solvent guidelines |
This page was updated 23 May 2008