Kiehl Genealogy: Historic & Present-Day Maps
Pennsylvania State Maps
- Current Pennsylvania Counties
- Historical Evolution of Pennsylvania Counties
Berks County Pennsylvania
- Albany Township Survey Map ~1753, (Philadelphia Society)
- Portion of Plat Map of Greenwich Twp., showing homestead of of
Johan Georg Kiehl leased from neighbor Simon Derrick
Note: Greenwich Township separated from Albany Township and
incorporated as a township in 1755
(From "The Dunkelberger Family: Europe to America 1600-1882", compiled
by Shirley J Turner)
- Current Google Map - Showing location of Johan Georg Kiehl
homstead, Dunkle's Church, New Bethel Church, and Mt. Zion Moselem
- Google Earth Maps - Showing area surrounding Johan Georg Kiehl
- Historical Map of Berks County in 1776